Saturday, January 19, 2008


Frau took a calming breath, "Milord, Cassie is a friend of mine."

"What is your rank?" High Lord Thorton asked Cassie.


"What? I asked for a rank."

"Look, I come from a more egalitarian world. I am a full member of society. I have no 'rank' but simply am. I have the same recourse to all resources as you do. Your Boss is apparently just as inept as mine is because you are here at The Station – just like I am."

High Lord Thorton glared at Cassie and stood up behind his impressive desk. He made an even more imposing figure as he leaned his well-manicured hands on the desktop and thundered, "Get out of here. No one talks to me in that tone."

"I just did. You are an impotent despot who is merely taken with your own importance. I could have constructed a monstrosity as you have done with this chateau you have created. Big deal. You aren't all that impressive Mr. High Horse."

Frau tried to get a word in to calm the ruffled feathers of both High Lord Thorton and Cassie, but was overridden by Thorton's bellows.

"How dare you speak to me in that tone? Get out of my home."

"I dare because you are nothing. In my era we call you a 'paper tiger' which means you are all roar and no substance. You made us wait nearly two hours to speak to us. What was the purpose of that? Just to show how 'powerful' you are? You are nothing but ego wrapped up in a pretty package." Cassie was on a roll.

Sten gently took Cassie's arm and gave a small squeeze. Cassie looked over at her friend and instead of continuing with a rant, let out a deep sigh.

High Lord Thorton stood glowering behind his polished desk. No one had ever spoken to him in this manner. No one had the right to speak to him is such a way. He would have to punish this woman.

"Your behavior will be punished," Thornton roared.

"How?" Cassie's whisper almost didn't reach all the way across the desk. And then she actually smirked at the man. That was new, she didn't know she had it in herself to do that. She was getting stronger.

High Lord Thorton did not immediately respond.

"That's what I thought. There is nothing you can do to me. You are simply an over-inflated windbag. Your Boss has abandoned you, just as all of ours have. You are no better than anyone else here at The Station. I don't need you or your attitude." And with that pronouncement, Cassie turned to leave the room.

"If you two would like a ride home, let me know and I'll wait in the car," she called to Sten and Frau. She never looked back.

High Lord Thorton stood there with his mouth hanging open, making his curled mustache look like a frame from which it hung. His face was flushed, his eyes were blazing, and as he stood to his full height, his hands clenched at his sides.

"Thank you for your time, milord, I believe our ride is leaving," said Sten as she took Frau's hand and walked away from the seething man.

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